Musica y Futbol -Maradona-

the importance and thoughts of futbol/soccer/football in song
if you didn't know the importance of the great Diego Maradona to Argentinians--and, I think it is safe to say, many who have seen the man in action--then here are three songs inspired by the man himself.
this song is akin to a national anthem: it begins with a beautiful spoken introduction, told like a reverent tale about a legendary hero
Dicen que escapo de un sueno // They say he escaped from a dream
en casi su mejor gambeta // in what was almost his best dribble
que ni los suenos respeta // that not even dreams respect
tan lleno va de coraje // who goes so full of courage
sin demasiado ropaje // without too much clothing
y sin ninguna careta // and without a single mask
Dicen que escapo este mozo // They say that this young man escaped
del sueno de los sin jeta // from the dream of those without (jeta)
que a los poderosos reta // that the powerful challenges
y ataca a los mas villanos // and attacks those most villainous
sin mas armas en la mano // without more weapons in hand
que un "diez" en la camiseta // than a "10" on his shirt
the lyrics for the song itself are a beautiful homage. an example:
Cae del cielo brillante balon // from the sky falls the brilliant ball
toda la gente y todo el mundo ve // all of the people and all the world sees
una revancha redonda en su pie // a round revenge at his feet...
here's the studio version without the introduction and wonderful footage of el Diego playing:
MANU CHAO -La Vida Tombola-
this song was recorded for the documentary "Maradona", by director Emir Kusturica.
the lyrics are sweet and simple, building a shrine to the man himself, the futbolista who lived and lives by his own rules..
the first two verses:
Si yo fuera Maradona // if I was Maradona
viviria como el // I would live like him
si yo fuera Maradona // if I was Maradona
frente a cualquier porteria // in front of any goal
si yo fuera Maradona
nunca me equivocaria // I would never make a mistake
si yo fuera Maradona
perdido en cualquier lugar // lost in any place
other lyrics:
si yo fuera Maradona
saldria en mondovision // I would come out on world-vision (so everyone could see)
para gritarle a la FIFA // to shout to FIFA
que ellos son el gran ladron! // that they are great thieves!
BERSUIT VERGARABAT - El Baile de la Gambeta-
"gambeta" translates to "dribble", so the song title translates to (basically): the dance of the dribble
though the song doesn't directly name Maradona, Gustavo Cordera, former lead singer for Bersuit, begins the song in the video posted by saying that they're going to sing for a person who is an example for all .. not just as a footballer, but as a human being
here is a link for the studio version of the song
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