Favorite Songs of 2011 - Part II

Saw this movie for the first time a few months ago, and it was perfect. I love Toshiro Mifune, I love samurai films-particularly those of Kurosawa-I love Charles Bronson, and I love when Westerns can be connected to the samurai ideal, like with The Magnificent Seven , plus I love how friggin' diverse Red Sun is. ( Google Images ) Now to the music... (again, all songs I discovered this year) 21. Los Caminantes - "Entre mas lejos me vaya" It ain't the suits, if you're wondering, the hair--the video, in all--that drew me to this song. I can't put my finger on why it touched me so, but.. I love this song. I sing it loudly at a local Mexican bar when it comes on. 22. Chencha Berrinches - "Esperando la muerte" I have been looking for Chencha songs since I heard, and fell in love with, " Murcielaga ", which I'd heard on a compilation. Thanks to YouTube, there are now a few more songs, but this one I loved ...